Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saint Patricks Day

To me saint patricks day is just another normal day. I get up and go to school and try not to get pinched but other than that it's just another day of my normal life. But the color green does look good on me :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

out of class read

For my out of class read I read the book "Death is the New Black". I was supose to just read it as a joke but once I started reading it I actually got into it and it was very interesting. It's about this girl who moves to a new city and when she goes to the new school she joins the cheerleading team and finds out that her cheerleading coach is evil and she sucks the souls out of little girls. It's pretty weird but kend of interesting to find out that some people actually read those books and enjoy them. I don't think I'll ever read one like that again but I enjoyed the book and I guess if you like books with evil soul sucking coaches in them then I definately recomend this book.

civil wars

Civil wars are stupid. I don't see why we can't all just get along. I don't really have mech to say because I've been in a few myself but I agree that they are pointless and a waste of time when you can dust sit and talk about and work out your issues with each other instead of fighting.

In class read

I read the book "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. It was a very interesting book and ot caught my attetion from the vey first chapter. My favorite charactor in the book would have to be Hassan. He was the son of a butler and he had a disorder which caused him to be slower than other people. But even though he was slow he was the best kite runner in the whole town. He was slow in the head but quick on his feet. I think everyone should read this book because it is very exciting and also has some parts that some people may not like so ask about it before you read it.

topic of choice

The topic I would choose would have to I love art. Not the kind of art you see in art galleries and muesems but just doodles and drawings that I do in my spare time. I've always been a good drawer, well at least thats what my family tells me. I think I would like to go to school ane become better and maybe pursue a career in some type of art.

olympic size commitment

I would probably put most of my effort into my school work. I thind school is very important to me and I thind I should work harder and focus more time on my school work. Im good at the things I do but school just isn't one of those things Im good at.